Bridging the digital gender gap — FinextraTV


Mary Ellen Iskenderian, President & CEO, Women’s World Banking joins FinextraTV at Money20/20 in Las Vegas, speaking on how the role of fintech is bridging the digital gender gap and driving economic equality, what changes need to be made to achieve true inclusion, and the significance of WWB’s Fintech Innovation Challenge.



There’s Nothing Micro About 1 Billion Women: Mary Ellen Iskenderian at TEDxWallStreet

See more at: Mary Ellen Iskenderian is President and CEO of Women's World Banking, the global nonprofit devoted to giving more low-income women access to the financial tools and resources they need to achieve security and prosperity. For more than 30 years, Women's World Banking has worked with financial institutions to show them the benefit of investing in women as clients, and as leaders. Women's World Banking equips these institutions to meet women's needs through authoritative market research, leadership training, sustainable financial products and consumer education. Headquartered in New York, Women's World Banking works with 39 institutions in 28 countries with a reach of 14 million women to create access to finance on a greater scale than ever before.

Closing the financial gender gap — A discussion with Credit Suisse

Enabling women everywhere to access financial services

For more than 15 years, Mary Ellen Iskenderian, Pres­id­ent and CEO of Women’s World Bank­ing, has de­voted her pro­fes­sional life to en­sur­ing that women, ir­re­spect­ive of their back­ground and coun­try of ori­gin, have ac­cess to fin­an­cial ser­vices as a basis to achieve se­cur­ity and prosper­ity.



Women's Digital Financial Inclusion: Fireside Chat with Mary Ellen Iskenderian & Mats Granryd

Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion: Fireside Chat with Mary Ellen Iskenderian & Mats Granryd

Women's World Banking's President & CEO Mary Ellen Iskenderian and GSMA's Director General Mats Granryd sat down during #UNGA77 week to discuss the importance of accelerating digital financial inclusion for women entrepreneurs. The Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advocacy Hub, led by Women’s World Banking and the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is a catalyst for collective action unifying local, regional, and global stakeholders with the common objective of accelerating progress in Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion. Learn more at



ME iskenderian MIT Press

Driving Gender Equality in the Financial System – Mary Ellen Iskenderian with MIT Press

Nearly one billion women have been completely excluded from the formal financial system. Without even a bank account in their own names, they lack the basic services that most of us take for granted—secure ways to save money, pay bills, and get credit. Exclusion from the formal financial system means they are economic outsiders, unable to benefit from, or contribute to, economic growth. Microfinance has been hailed as an economic lifeline for women in developing countries—but, as Mary Ellen Iskenderian shows in this book, it takes more than microloans to empower women and promote sustainable, inclusive economic growth.